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Oxfordshire Rifle Association


Winter Small-bore Postal League – 2021/22 – Online Entry:

For the attention of: Old Monmothians

The ORA would like to invite your club to enter our Small-bore Prone Winter League this year. Following Covid we are returning to the usual league format, however to ease the pressure on those clubs who are not yet back to normal we are offering extended shoot by dates with no cards due before Christmas. We hope that you can join us and participate again this year!

The ORA Winter Leagues will be using the local scoring system again this year. We are continuing to use the online results entry system with scores submitted directly by each club and random auditing of cards to ensure scoring standards are being maintained. For those who have not used this system before, full details and comprehensive instructions will be included with your stickers. The option to send your cards by post to a divisional scorer will continue to be offered for those who do not want to use the online system, although we strong suggest you try the online method as it is easy to use and more convenient.

Please note, we will only be accepting official NSRA targets bearing the '-18' suffix, please contact the NSRA shop to swap out any old targets to avoid disqualification.

Please note that the close of entries is the 6th November 2021.

The Smallbore league consists of teams of 4, grouped into divisions by average and shot over 18 rounds at short range (25yds typically). It is for prone target rifle only, i.e. no bench or scoped rifle. Entries are £9/team and there is no individual entry option. Cards are scored locally but rounds will be called in at random for audit to ensure scoring consistency.

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