OM Club Charitable Support
The Old Monmothian Club has, for many years, provided a means of help and support for those Monmouth School boys most in need. Support can range from donations to sporting events, vital equipment or travel cost help for foreign tours. When you donate, you can choose your preference. If you wish to support Student Enrichment or Bursaries or other, or if you're happy for the Club to decide – please specify.
Student Enrichment
Much of what makes Old Monmothians an extraordinary community is the wealth of opportunity offered to the boys while at Monmouth School; from arts, classics and music to rowing, rugby and cricket, with CCF and Outdoor Pursuits programmes. Maintaining this extensive calendar and the facilities needed to offer something to everyone comes at a cost.

Donors have opportunities to fund areas of the school that they are passionate about, investing a similar passion in the next generation.
The Old Monmothian Club passionately believes in the founding principle of open access that was a core part of the original vision of William Jones; Monmouth was founded as a “Fre Schole”. Donations ensure our ability to offer a number of Assisted Places and Bursaries to boys who can excel - whether academically, in music or sport, regardless of their parents’ wealth.
In addition, donations can be made to the Old Monmothian Scholarship Fund – please contact The Old Monmothian Club for details if you wish to support Scholarships.