Passed away on 18th September 2019 at the age of 91.Â
Bob was School Captain of Rugby and had a passion for cricket and choral music. He won a form prize every year, largely because of his work ethic and an excellent memory, and gained a place at Lincoln College Oxford to read Chemistry. Following graduation, he spent two years in Winchester on National Service, where he was commissioned into the Royal Artillery and had three-and-a-half years in the Territorial Army. Bob worked in pharmaceuticals with Procter & Gamble for 35 years, retiring at the age of 60.Â
His generosity to the School is unsurpassed. He donated Chemistry, Music and CCF prizes every year at Speech Day and funded a choral scholarship in memory of OM, Paul Langford, at Lincoln College.With his tremendous support, the school hall was rebuilt in 2005 and transformed into the state-of-the-art Blake Theatre