Will be held on Sunday 31/10/21 - 09:30am, the 300 yard point on Century.
Attending - so far:-
Colin Waldron
Phil Jones
Justin Durrant
David Pearce
Martyn Vaughan
Still plenty of space, so if anyone wishing to attend contact: Martyn Vaughan
Wales won The National, for only the second time in 140 Years, the first time was in 2016!

Colin Waldron

Report for the 2021 season
This year has once again been a year of differences with no practices possible prior to the PS Veterans match and no BSSRA event. It seems that COVID will be with us to stay albeit in lessening forms so we have to develop coping strategies.
Philip (PVR) Jones had agreed to take on the role of Chairman following the sad loss of Chris Jones, with Colin Waldron continuing as Secretary, Treasure and FAC holder. David Peace agreed last year to take up the Presidency; little does he know that that is for the long HAUL.
Martyn Vaughan has agreed to take up the role of Fixtures Secretary and to continue the ongoing battle with the NRA Range booking systems, it is hoped that we will be in a position to compete for the club champs in the hope that someone with a magazine fed rifle can wrest Tom’s Tankard from Colin Waldron’s grasp. Will accuracy still continue to pay over speed, and the art of sniping continue to thrive? We shall wait with trepidation.
A few stalwarts once more appeared at the Oxfordshire open meeting, the small-bore story continues with participation in the BSSRA small-bore postal championship for The Fletcher Cup where we once more entered 2 teams; COVID however go the better of the competition and the entries have been carried forward to this coming winter.
Andrew White, Head of Design and Technology at The School has been in communication with Colin as he has now taken on the challenge of getting a school team together to shoot a shoulder to shoulder match against us. We were hoping that this may have happened at this year’s OM day, not the case unfortunately but we are moving forward with further hopes for next year.
The secure storage locker at Bisley for the convenience of members using the expanding quality and calibre of club equipment available for general use has been put to good use with a number of rifles now stored there for general club use. Their location in the NLRC club room (thanks to Phil Jones) enable easy access for all who can also book target time at their convenience, newcomers also welcome and can be coached into the sport, school leavers note!